Umstellung auf Vitalkost

Buch von Stefan Kutter


In seinem Buch beschreibt Stefan ganz undogmatisch und mit vielen Erfahrungswerten und wissenschaftlichen Berichten und Studien, wie eine erfolgreiche Umstellung auf eine Rohkostreiche Ernährung aussehen kann.


Das Buch könnt ihr DIREKT HIER bestellen.

The Life Food Factor


A comprehensive guide, not only to the raw food diet, but also to the raw food movement! A summary of over 50 published scientific studies proving the advantages of a raw diet and the hazards of eating cooked food!

Becoming Raw


This book reports on the contemporary status of nutritional research and findings available on raw food, based on studies and papers. It's a great source for everyone to learn more about the nutritional background, cause it does NOT favor one person's view over another but gives a general overview on the research that is available and draws conclusions based on the actual data, no more no less. Highly recommended read!! 

Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine


I highly recommend this book by Dr. Gabriel Cousins, since here the principles of the school where I was taught are explained in a comprehensive and concise way. On top, it comes with an extensive recipe collection categorized into the phase diagram, which forms the base of Cousins teachings.


Medical researchers have found that a high-fat, high-sugar diet, combined with environmental pollutants and stress, can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body collectively known as chronic degenerative disease. Here holistic physician Gabriel Cousens provides a dietary regimen that may help reverse this process by introducing whole, natural, organic, and raw foods into the diet.

I am Grateful

Recipes and Lifestyle of Café Gratitude


Café Gratitude's vegan cheesecake has made me want to become a raw food chef. I love this book and have made and adapted many of its recipes. Café Gratitude is still my favourite Café on the planet and I recommend this book for its comfort recipes that are well explained and illustrated with plenty of photographs.

RAW FOOD real world


This beautiful coffee table book was written by the founders of one of the worlds best raw food restaurants, Pure Food and Wine in New York City. I have eaten there myself and am highly inspired by their work. The recipes are complex and certainly not for beginners, but it is inspiring just to read through them and look at the amazing photographs throughout the book.

Green for Life


Dr. Gabriel Cousins and other researchers agree: greens are the most important part of the raw food diet. The fastest and easiest way to get your greens are Green Smoothies. In her book , the inventor of the green smoothie, Victoria Boutenko talks about the benefits of the green smoothie and gives many good recipe inspirations.

Sweet Gratitude

A new world of raw desserts


If desserts are your thing, this book from Café Gratitude is a great addition and sequel to I am Grateful. Simply divine dessert recipes for any occasion, from various cheesecakes, to shortcakes and truffels and ice creams.